Katie Worthen
Exhibition Development
See more of my work here!
Main Panel Text from It's Not All Black and White
Artifact Captions from It's Not All Black and White
Development & Installation of a Temporary Exhibit
Peterborough Museum & Archives
A major applied project during my time at Fleming College was the development and installation of a temporary exhibit. This was done in partnership with the Peterborough Museum & Archives, in their 1000 square foot gallery space.
We were given the topic for the exhibit -colour- and from there we developed the content and created an interpretive plan. As one of the script writers for the exhibit, I also helped to transform the exhibit concept and interpretive plan into a script that would appeal to a wide range of audiences.
My biggest role in the development of the exhibit was writing the script alongside 3 other group members, and dry mounting all of the panels. I also helped to trim the panels, mock up the exhibit, hang panels, design a mount for an artifact, and prep and install artifacts.
Originally to be displayed from April to June, 2021, it was extended until September of 2021. Additionally, for the first time ever, we developed a virtual exhibit. As one of the project managers, we decided on the layout, required information and assisted in the development of it. Visit the exhibit

Before installing this artifact, I photographed it, wrote a condition report, and designed the mount.

safe artifact handling
script writing
dry mounting
artifact photography
manual dexterity
condition reporting
virtual exhibit development
Skills Demonstrated
Development of a Mini Exhibit
Fleming College
Much of my first semester at Fleming College was spent working towards our first major applied project: the Mini Exhibit. I chose a personal object, and for it wrote a condition report, catalogue worksheet, and panel text. I also designed the panel, built a mount with an integrated spinning component, and created a COVID-safe interactive.

Skills Demonstrated
safe artifact handling
use of Adobe Creative Suite
script writing
dry mounting
visitor engagement
artifact photography
manual dexterity
condition reporting
panel design